Play by play video series???

Hi guys, so today I thought of making my own play by play minecraft series and I want some ideas. Hmmm, like should I do an adventure map….or perhaps a survival map? I have watched a few play by play vids by other people before and I am wondering how I can compete with them as they are all very good already. So if anyone has any ideas, please flick me a comment below, link me to a map you would like me to try. Anything, I would love to gear from you guys.

Cheers xD

Gaara ❤

By Gaara406

My first two skins xD

I’m pretty excited about creating skins now after doing my first two this afternoon, you can download them off planetminecraft, but here I will give you a preview of them before you decide. Here is my first one, inspired by the very popular panda girl skin, I haven’t done much to it, just added purple trimming to suit my needs. 🙂

skin20130120031733754441_minecraft_skin-4660132I love it xD

This is my personal skin that I have used for a few months now, I just decided to tweak it a little bit 😛

And now here is my second, also inspired by panda girl. She’s sorta like an emo girl, but she is still wearing a white panda hood, which I think looks kinda cute :3 I hope you guys feel the same

skin2013012004070493532_minecraft_skin-4660318So that’s it for today, I hope I can get to making some more skins soon, I would love some ideas on what to do for skins, so don’t forget to comment your ideas and also subscribe to hear more from me.

Till next time,

❤ Gaara406


By Gaara406

My First Post :D

Hi guys, so I was wondering on what to post for my first post and I thought I would show you a few of my fave minecraft builds. Just as a preview of what sorts of other things you will see on this blog.


Medieval Blacksmiths

This here is a Blacksmiths from one of my fave medieval building pack made by deerassassin0424 on Planet Minecraft. He’s made some pretty awesome stuff so make sure to check his page out:  I’m really into my medieval builds, I like building castles and I’m very talented at copying builds just by looking at a picture.

Medieval large house

Medieval large house

Here is another medieval build. A house this time built by: Beatfirestorm on Planet Minecraft. He too has also done some pretty awesome builds and I recommend checking out his page for more cool builds like this one. 🙂

Maddison Heights

Maddison Heights

And lastly for this blog post today is a modern build, also a house, called Madison Heights. Here is direct link to the builders profile If you are looking at trying out modern builds, you should check out their works for sure as they are a big inspiration and give you lots of ideas. Each project is easy to check out as you can download each one on a separate map, and have a look around inside the builds ect.

I hope you like this blog post, sorry if it’s a little bland, I will make sure my next one is much much more exciting 🙂

Bye till next time

love Gaara406

By Gaara406